Henry Braun and Irwin Kirsch, Boston College and ETS – Opportunity in America: Choosing Our Future, in four parts. 1 2 3 4
Paul Reville, Harvard – Poverty Matters: Making the Case for a System Overhaul
Julia Daniel, National Education Policy Center – Community Schools as an Effective Reform Strategy
Hydra Mendoza and Laurie Scolari, San Francisco Mayor’s Office and San Francisco Schools – Our Children, Our Families Council
Esta Soler, Futures Without Violence – Changing Minds, in three parts. 1 2 3
Ernesto Olivares, California Cities Violence Prevention Network – Cinco de Mayo, Then and Now
Godwin Higa, Cherokee Elementary School – How San Diego Unified is Treating Trauma
Eugen Chasin, Say Yes to Education – Creating Structures to Get Disadvanted Children into College
Alan Heaps, NJ Seeds – Enrolling Highly-Motivated Disadvantaged Children into Prestigious Secondary Schools