2016 Annual Meetings
School/Community Governance
July 15-17
San Francisco
The Roundtable’s “Iceberg effect” report indicates that the U.S. has the largest proportion of low-income children in the developed world. They live with remarkably high levels of stress and little support for families. This July 15-17 meeting will gather near Union Square to foster greater collaboration with local government.
School Improvement
October 7-9
Washington, D.C.
October 7 -9 will find the Roundtable in Washington, D.C., to examine school governance. What do superintendents, boards, and unions need to do to get their act together to improve outcomes for students? The meeting will be held near the national capital’s historic Rock Creek Park.
Education Briefing with Larry Jacobs: Common Core and Beyond
Mar 19, 2015
Education Briefing with Larry Jacobs: A Conversation with Rich Bagin, Gary Marx, and James Harvey on the Iceberg Effect
Jan 26, 2015
Press Briefing: School Performance in Context: The Iceberg Effect
Jan 20, 2015, 10 a.m. EST
Location: National Press Club’s Zenger Room, 529 14th Street, 13th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20045
The Horace Mann League (HML) and National Superintendents Roundtable (NSR) will release a just-completed report, School Performance in Context: The Iceberg Effect. The study takes a close look at often-overlooked education indicators. HML and NSR challenge educators and society to get beyond scores, ratings, and rankings and also focus on social, economic, and cultural forces that profoundly influence children, families, and education in nine nations. The report is based on a multi-year, jointly sponsored study conducted as part of an International Indicators for Education Project. Copies of both full and summary reports will be available at the news conference. Creators, researchers, and writers will present and respond to questions about the findings of this historic study. Contact: Rhenda Meiser, (206) 465-9532, rhenda@rhendameiser.com
Webinar on International Indicators
Jan 16, 2015, 11 a.m. PST
International assessments are hot, but what they leave out is as important as what they include. Join leaders from the Horace Mann League and the Roundtable to get an embargoed, advance look at a new study on education indicators. You’ll learn a lot—and be able to discuss these issues like a pro when local press turns to you with questions. Click here to register.